A common viral infection caused by the HPN virus. There are different types of warts usually identified by their appearance.
Common Warts/ Verruca Vulgaris: greyish white, skin-colored, or darkly pigmented growth with rough surfaces or stalk-like projections. These may appear as a bunch of warts from a single base. These are generally found on elbows, knees, around or under nails, dorsum of hands and feet, or even face and neck, scalp, and genitals.
Plane Warts/ Verruca Plana: Flat grouped skin-colored or brownish smooth lesions. Mostly found on the face, dorsum of hands and feet, forearms, and shins.
Palmo-Plantar Warts: Grey or brown colored rounded, deep growths. Usually over palms and soles. They are painful and will be tender to the touch if picked up between fingers.
Genital Warts/ Venereal Warts/ Condyloma Acuminate: Soft pink or greyish blue, soft and moist. These types of warts are sexually transmitted and are most commonly seen over genitals. They are sensitive and can even bleed on trauma.
A corn or a callus is a thickened accumulation of dead skin usually developed over a pressure-bearing area of palms and soles. Long duration of persistent pressure and friction results in corns or callus. Usually caused by ill-fitted shoes, long hours of walking or standing, or diabetes mellitus. Patients with neuropathy also tend to develop corns.
Corns can be differentiated from warts from their appearance and tenderness. Corns are soft white keratin core, and tender.
At Christell we treat both warts and corns. We will suggest a treatment plan depending on the extent of the condition, combined with your overall health condition.