
Your youthful smooth skin may sometimes be blemished by unsightly, but harmless, skin growths. There are different types of growths, and all of these can be treated effectively.
Skin tags
Soft, benign growths can appear either in brownish or skin color. Usually, these appear in the neck, face, eye area, groin, and upper body.
- It could increase during pregnancy
- May spread from one person to another
- At Christell we have a very simple, pain-free reduction
Milia are small, white, or yellow bump-like cysts that appear right under the skin. Usually, these appear in clusters around the eye. They are caused by dead skin or keratin trapped under the skin.
Moles are dark brown and smooth to the touch. These may be flat or raised, and may change slowly from being flat to bumpy, or even fade over time.
- Co2 laser
- Cryofreezing
Syringoma is multiple skin-colored, flat, or raised lesions that usually appear around the eye and is a common condition amongst females.
At Christell we offer treatment for all types of skin growth. The procedures offered are effective and painless with minimal downtime.
- Electrocoutrezone
- Liquid Nitrogen Freezing Crayotherapy)
- Electro cautery and excision
- Laser
- Electro cautery/cryotherapy
- Chemical peels